Here it Goes Again

So despite finishing my thesis, Spree Day, a 5-page paper, and a journal for class in the past few weeks I still managed to find time to work on the Clementine Shawlette. This is going to be a mother’s day gift. It’s actually about half way done right now, which means I now have to cast on for the other end of it. The yarn is Frog Tree Pima Silk which has been really nice to work with. My guage is loose, as always, but I like the way its coming out and I should have enough yarn to finish it.

On a completely different note, OK GO is amazing live. Of course, I love the CDs too, but I saw them Friday night at WPI and they put on the best show I’ve been to in a while. At one point they came into the middle of the crowd and performed a couple songs (A Million Ways and Maybe this Time) accoustic, how cool is that!? I highly recommend going to see them if you ever have the choice.

One response »

  1. agh! i’m mucho jealous you saw the ‘GO live!!!


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